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In the maternity ward, child birth without pain is done by our anesthesiologist in spinal or epidural methods (it depends on mother’s condition). Entonox use is even possible.

Physiologic delivery:

No medicine is used in this type of child birth and the pregnant woman endures natural pains. For easing the pain non-medical ways such as massage, perineal wet and warm exercise, acupressure, and aromatherapy, breathing techniques, birth ball, and appropriate positions are used.

It should be mentioned that during all these non-medical ways, the husband of the pregnant woman or midwife can accompany her for help and emotional by her will.

Training pregnancy exercise class for mothers:

-The classes will be held on even days.

Working mothers can set they time with their trainer.-

-For registration and more information the mothers who are 20- week pregnant can contact us. +9802129121260

-The aim of these classes is pre and post child birth preparation of mothers, fathers, infant care, breast feeding, and indeed it is a warm welcome to the family’s cute guest.

The trainings are of two types; theoritical and practical

Theoretical: Nutrition, individual hygiene, warning signs

  Practical: Appropriated exercises and sport for pregnant mothers, relaxation, pain coping and appropriate breathing techniques.

The husband can accompany their wives on the third and eighth sessions.-

The classes will be private or public (3 members).-

Breastfeeding help and support center will be available for Mothers 24 hours a day.                                       Tel: 29121288

Healthy baby clinic:

3-Day, 5-Day old infants check-up-

Preliminary examination –

Screening tests –

-Audiology and hearing screening

Training parents how to take care of healthy neonates-

-Breast feeding clinic

-Training pregnant mothers pre- and post- child birth and emphasizing on the importance of mothers breast feeding

-Solving breast feeding mothers problems by midwives under pediat ricians supervision

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU):

In this unit we take care of major illnesses as it is mentioned below:

Respiratory Distress Syndrome, premature infants, multiple birth, infants with surgery problems such as diaphragmatic hernia, esophageal atresia , MMC, omphalocele, HD, Necrotizing enterocolitis, heart diseases, sepsis, Jaundice, Meconium aspiration, Asphyxia, Pneumothorax, pneumonia, paroxysm, UTI, Metabolic diseases, Cleft palate, cleft lip, congenital disorders, and low birth weight infants.